I remember when I was a child, the wait for Christmas seemed interminable. Especially after Thanksgiving came and went, that month or so until December 25th contained the longest weeks of the year! Now, as I've gotten older, the time goes much more quickly (as does all time!) and I want things to slow down, to be able to relish and enjoy the season for as long as possible. I think there's something instructive in the waiting, though. I think God wants to use that time to do a work in us.
Yesterday we discussed Mary, and how her obedience led to the blessing and privilege of giving birth to the Savior of the world. She waited nine months for that. Sometimes we don't have to wait that long, but other times the wait is much longer. For those of us who struggle with patience, this isn't always an easy task. One of my favorite verses, especially regarding the idea of waiting is, "Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord." (Psalm 27:14) That's exactly what we're doing this month - waiting for the Lord! As we work our way through December we should remember that we are waiting... waiting to celebrate the birthday of Jesus. Waiting to rejoice in what His birth means to all of us who believe.
I think there's something else constructive in the wait until Christmas. I think there's a symbolism, or a parallel if you will, in waiting to celebrate Christ's first arrival - His birth - with waiting for His return. This is a wait of unknown duration. No one knows but the Father when Christ will return (Matt 24:36). But we are to wait with "blessed hope" for "the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ" as the apostle Paul says (Titus 2:13). For this we must be patient.
So take some time this next few weeks to reflect on what it means to you that Jesus was not only born in the first place, but that He will be returning again. Maybe you haven't thought about this in a while; perhaps even ever. In light of this, ask God if there is something He'd like you to do, or change, with regard to living your life in obedience to Him. Christmas is coming, and so is Jesus!
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