O Christmas Tree
Earlier this month my wife and I watched one of those sentimental Christmas movies; this particular one was about Christmas trees. Part of the premise was that each Christmas tree has a story. As I'm sitting here enjoying our tree this morning, it got me thinking - what story would our tree tell?
I guess this thought actually started yesterday afternoon when I watched a man, who had just purchased a tree, carry it to his his truck and place it in the back. As I watched him drive off, for some reason I was wondering what kind of fate lay ahead for that tree? Was he bringing it back for his family? Were young children going to be sitting around it in a few days? Or maybe the man lived alone and it was going to be his sole Christmas decoration? Perhaps he was even purchasing it for someone else, who otherwise wouldn't have a tree? Regardless of the scenario, that tree was going to have a story.
So back to the tree I'm looking at now. Or, just as importantly, the tree that you may be looking at or the one that is in your home. What story would it tell? Sure, there's the history of where it came from and how it came to be in the place where you acquired it. But I'm more interested in the part of the story that you and the tree share. And actually, I'm even more interested in what you think about the story it would share.
Since I've been on this Advent blogging journey, God has been giving me the topics and words to write every morning. This morning I've struggled a bit, I think because I've been trying to turn this post into something other than what He wants. And since this blog is about living unfiltered for Him, and being obedient to His words and call, I need to just let it rest with what He is wanting to publish and not weave in my own thoughts and ideas.
So that's it. I'm not really sure what more is to be said than this - think about your home and family from the perspective of your Christmas tree. What would that perspective tell you? What would you learn? Why do you think this little exercise might be important - for you?
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