Angels play a very important part in the whole Christmas story. It was the angel Gabriel who visited Mary to let her know she would be the mother of Jesus (Luke 1:26-38). It was also an "angel of the Lord" that appeared to Joseph that explained that God was behind his fiance's pregnancy (Matt. 1:20-21).
The concept of angels has always been very interesting to me. The writer of Hebrews says, "Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?" (Heb. 1:14) Frankly, this has never been much help to me in understanding who angels are and what their purpose is. I have though, over the years, come up with my own kind of interpretation and understanding of angels and their purpose. I don't know how theologically sound it is, but it helps me.
I truly believe that god still sends angels into our world as "ministering spirits". I think sometimes they may appear in a dream (like the angel did with Joseph) and sometimes they may appear to be a person just like us. I also think think that God uses as "as angels" to others in need. That may sound a little strange, so let me try to illustrate with a brief story.
Several years ago, when I was working downtown in the city of Atlanta, there was a homeless man in a wheelchair that I would see multiple times a day. He was always "parked" between my train station and my office building so I would see him at the start and the end of my day. Sometimes I would see him at lunchtime, as well. Over the course of a little over a year we would chat, albeit briefly, about this or that. Most of our chats involved Jesus and our shared faith.
I never really learned much about him or his story, but I learned a lot about myself during that span of time. God used him to teach me volumes about compassion, among other things. Here I was, hustling to and from my "important" job every day, and here was this man, confined to a wheel chair and surviving off of people's handouts. His faith was admirable, to say the least.
I remember the one Christmas I knew him, giving him a card with some cash inside. In the card I also thanked him for the brief conversations we would have and let him know that I was grateful that God placed him in my path, literally and figuratively. I'm glad I did, because it wasn't long after, that he was no longer there. I took several days walking all around the area trying to find him and asking others if they had seen him. No luck. I'm still not sure what happened to him, although I know his health was not very good.
Sorry if I rambled a bit there, but the point is this... Who is the "angel" in this story? Sure, I'd like to think I helped him out a bit, but I feel I benefited more from knowing him, than him knowing me. I was changed during that period of time. It makes me wonder... Was that man in a wheelchair an angel, sent as a "ministering spirit", just for me? And if so, was it a "real" angel, or just someone God used as one? It really doesn't matter, does it?
So as you go throughout your day, today and every day, and especially this time of year, I would ask that you remember these words from Hebrews:
"Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it."
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