Christmas Lights

One of the great traditions around Christmas is putting up the Christmas lights. Depending on your tastes and family traditions you may put up so many lights you can see your home from space! Or maybe you're more reserved so there are just a few lights here and there. Either way, I've always thought it interesting that this is something that we do. 

The idea of putting light on Christmas trees started in the 18th century in Germany. The idea really took off though, with the discovery of electricity. Thomas Edison first used lights at Christmas as much for publicity and marketing as anything else, in 1880. Several years later, a colleague of Edison's, Edward Johnson, used the electric lights on his Christmas tree, (more details here). The rest, as they say, is history. Interesting history indeed, but I see something more symbolic going on.

While I know that there are probably non-Christians who put up Christmas lights, one would suspect that when you drive by a house that is decorated with lights this time of year, it is as indication of the faith of those that live inside. It's interesting that this is the only time of year that we are "bold" enough to be so open in "advertising" our faith. It is the one time of year where people seem to be comfortable with publicly acknowledging their faith in Jesus. 

Though this is wonderful, the reality is that we are called to behave this way at ALL times, not just during Christmas. We are called to shine our own internal light of Christ all day, every day.

14 “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

Jesus tells us, we are "the light of the world"! It is our responsibility to let that light shine before others - all of the time - not just during this holiday season. Just like when we drive by a house that is all lit up for Christmas, the people around us need to see us "all lit up" for Jesus. Every day. In December and in every other month. Don't hide it. Don't show it off only when it's "safe". Remember, it is for God's glory that we shine - He is the one that people need to see.

So... where is He calling you to shine your light today? 


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