Looking Back
As this year comes to a close, I hope you take a little time to look back and reflect on what the Lord has done in your life these last 12 months. Something I started doing a few years ago was to record in my journal, what I viewed as the "highlights" from the previous year. It serves two purposes... First, it allows me that time to work my way through the year, remembering what took place, and seeing how God was at work in all of the situations and events that stand out. Sometimes, you need the benefit of a little time passing to fully appreciate what took place and how His hand was active. The second thing this exercise does is to create a "permanent" record of what God has done in your life. If you journal on a regular basis, you probably have most of these important events already written down, as they happened. However, the beauty of looking back is that you have that additional time to see what else God may have done and how else He may have used that sit...