Being Christmas

In recent years, there has been a lot of controversy about whether we should say, “Merry Christmas” or, “Happy Holidays” this time of year. Unfortunately, like so many things these days, it has become a divisive, political issue. Let me say from the outset, I’m solidly in the “Merry Christmas” camp. That said, I recognize that, at least from a purely religious standpoint, it does not apply to everyone. I have Jewish friends for whom, “Happy Hanukkah” would be more appropriate. But, also non-believing friends who, while they may not be followers of Jesus, still celebrate Christmas in its secular form (if that can really be a thing.) And of course, many others that fall across the spectrum. I’d like to offer here, though, a different way to think about all of this. Will you give me a few more minutes?

Sitting in church this morning, as our Pastor was talking about Jesus being the fulfillment of certain Old Testament prophecies, I was struck with the following thought, “Don’t just say Merry Christmas, rather BE Merry Christmas!” Occasionally when I have these kind of thoughts, I know immediately that they are from the Holy Spirit.  And when that happens, I know I must spend some time digesting it (and often, end up writing about it.) So, (I apologize Pastor Jason, but) I checked out for the next few minutes as I began asking and praying, “what does that even mean?” Here’s what I learned…

The specific passage we were discussing at the time the thought hit me was this:

The people who walk in darkness
Will see a great light;
Those who live in a dark land,
The light will shine on them.
(Isaiah 9:2 NASB)

Jesus was, nay, IS that light! I’ve written in the space frequently about our individual calls, as Christians, to be a light in the world. This is a universal declaration – words from Jesus Himself:

“Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven. (Matthew5:16 NASB)

So, what does this have to do with saying “Merry Christmas”? An awful lot! One of the problems, I believe, is that “Merry Christmas” has mostly, from a societal standpoint, become just another hollow greeting this time of year. “How are you doing?” “Hey There!” “How ‘bout this weather?” “Merry Christmas!” Just another way to greet people. Just another group of words used and directed towards someone you don’t really expect a response from, but feel you have to say something to fill the space. What a sad way to settle for using Christ’s name. However, since it’s gotten to that point, it’s no wonder that certain people feel entitled to become “offended” by the phrase, especially given the current political environment.

But, here’s the thing… what if instead of saying “Merry Christmas” we started being Merry Christmas? What if, instead of it being a shallow phrase – with no real meaning, an empty salutation – we started living it? What if people could just look at us and then catch a glimpse of what Christmas is all about? Not just in December either, but all year round? Joy… Peace… Hope… Love... These are not just Christmas concepts! These are every single day concepts! Christmas needs to be celebrated every single day.

What if you allowed that light of Christ that burns within you, to shine brightly out of you this Christmas season and every season? Wouldn’t that make a bigger impact than just saying two words? We’ve established that, as Christians, we are called to shine our light – His light – far and wide.

One of my favorite quotes speaks of this:

"We are told to let our light shine, and if it does, we won't need to tell anybody it does. Lighthouses don't fire cannons to call attention to their shining- they just shine."
~ Dwight L. Moody

We don’t need to tell everybody “Merry Christmas” if we are living it! Just go about your normal business. Celebrate Him. Express joy. Exude peace. Hold on to hope. Love your neighbor. People will notice. People will see Him, through you.

I don’t want you to stop saying “Merry Christmas”, that’s not the point. I would like you not to use it as a throw away greeting, though! And I would love it if we could all start being Christmas, during this wonderful season and always. It would change the world. Really… it would. 


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