Taking Chances for God

When was the last time you took a chance for God? What I mean is, when was the last time you did something that, in the natural, was probably a bad idea, (or you could at least convince yourself that it was), but you knew that, since God wanted you to do it, it would all work out okay?

Let me back-up a short step… For you to do this you would have to hear from God in the first place. So, let’s start there. Do you hear His voice?  I’m not talking an audible voice (although it’s been known to happen), but more that “still small voice” that you sense in your spirit. That’s really what this whole blog is about – hearing his voice and acting on it – no filters, no ifs, ands, or buts, just do what He says!

Now, back to my question – When was the last time?

I would argue that if something hasn’t already popped into your head, then maybe you’re not taking enough “God chances” in your life. They don’t have to be big ones – like some biblical ones we’ll mention shortly – they can be small little acts of faith that turn out to be powerful in the spirit.

A couple of familiar examples… Do you think Peter thought it was a good idea, in the natural, to get out of a perfectly good boat to attempt to walk on the water? The other disciples certainly didn’t think so – they stayed firmly planted in said boat! (Matthew 14:24-33)

Do you think that Elijah thought, in the physical, that it was a good idea to douse his alter with water before he called on God to start a fire on it? (1 Kings 18:30-39)

What about Ananias? Immediately following Saul’s conversion to become the apostle Paul on the road to Damascus, Ananias was asked to look after and pray for Paul. He knew Saul’s reputation. He certainly wasn’t comfortable, in the natural, with what was being asked of him; but he did it anyway! (Acts 9:10-20)

Something stood out to me as I read through these three examples. Following each act of obedience and trust, the observers and participants gained a fresh revelation of who God really was (and is)! When Peter got back into the boat, the other disciples exclaimed, “You really are the Son of God!” (Matthew 14:33 NLT). After fire consumed Elijah’s alter and bull, the Word says that everyone who witnessed it cried out, “The LORD – he is God! Yes, the LORD is God!” (1 Kings 18:39 NLT). And once Saul received his sight back, after being prayed over by Ananias, he began preaching of Jesus, “He is indeed the Son of God!” (Acts 9:20 NLT).

The list above could, of course, go on. The Bible is full of accounts of great faith. We take comfort from them and are inspired by them. I think sometimes though, we can also be intimidated by them. The stories are so big – the faith required so massive – that we can disqualify ourselves from these kinds of experiences. This doesn’t have to be so. There are little steps of faith, too… opportunities take a chance on God that may not have the same kinds of outcomes of biblical proportions, but still add to our faith, making it much easier to take the next chance that comes along.

And guess what? The more and more little chances that you take, the greater the opportunities for bigger chances to follow, with more influential impacts. And, the more chances you take on God – and successfully walk through them – the better you will hear his voice! With each act of trust and obedience comes a greater revelation of who He is – and greater confidence to take the chance.

So, wherever you are with hearing His voice, and trusting Him to take a chance on what He asks you to do, take a chance on Him today! Give Him the opportunity to move through you, while at the same time, doing a work in you. In the process He will reveal more about Himself to you and those around you! I will be praying that these opportunities come your way!


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