The Way, The Truth and The Life
Lately, I've started reading parts of the Bible with a little more intentionality. It's so easy to see a verse somewhere and just take it at face value. Usually it's fine, but I've found that, as with so many other things, context is king. And what's interesting is that while, sometimes, reading what takes place before and after the verse of interest actually changes the interpretation, more often, reading the context makes the point even stronger. And frequently, there is an entire other lesson (or two... or more!) living in and among the surrounding verses! For me, this is part of the reason reading scripture is so fascinating.
This happened recently while looking at John 14:6 (NIV), "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me". This is a very popular verse that many people can at least say that they have heard before, even if not able to quote it. As I read around it, though, it became like the proverbial onion, with many layers to pull back and look deeper. I can't begin to do justice to the depth of what is taking place in an around this passage. My hope is that, in the brief few point that follow, you will be inspired to dig deeper on your own.
These words that Jesus spoke were the beginning of His answer to Thomas's (later to be known as 'Doubting Thomas') question about something else that Jesus had just said. Jesus had just told His disciples that He was going to go away and prepare a place for all of them. He ended that by saying, "You know the way..." (John 14:4 NIV) Well, Thomas was speaking for all of them - they did not know the way, or at least they didn't understand.
Just a few verses before this, in John 13, Jesus predicts that Peter would deny Him three times before the rooster would crow. This followed Peter asking essentially the same question that Thomas asked just a few verses later. The disciples had no understanding or context (there's that word again) for what Jesus was trying to tell them about where He was going. It had to be incredibly frustrating for both Jesus and His disciples. Jesus wanted them to understand... But they just couldn't. They wanted Him to speak more plainly and clearly about things, but there was no way they could grasp (at least yet) what Jesus was trying to explain.
That's where this next point comes in. Later in Chapter 14, Jesus tells them about the Holy Spirit. This is their introduction to how all of this will eventually make sense. Jesus explains that the Holy Spirit will be an, "Advocate to help you and be with you forever." (John 14:16 NIV). He knew they needed help. He knew that we would need that help also - some 2000 years later. Jesus, several chapters later, even prays for us - those of us that, "believe in me (Jesus) through their (His disciples') message." (John 17:20).
And here's the really interesting part - and why this is a timely message. All of this takes place on the night that Jesus was betrayed by Judas and arrested. The very next day Jesus was crucified on the cross. Less than 24 hours after he had these conversations and prayed these prayers, he had been killed. Of course, the best part of the story is that three days later He was resurrected! HE IS RISEN!!!
So... Are you curious? Have I piqued your interest enough to pull out your Bible and read for yourself? Some of you reading this probably have your Bible within reach right now. Others, will have it on the same device on which you're reading these words. But some of you... some of you may not even know where that Bible is? When was the last time you opened it? When was the last time you really read it? I want to challenge you... Find it. Open it. Read it! Make this Easter be the one where you got back into The Word and had it re-energize your faith. Make this be the season that the stone is rolled away for you... Allowing you to walk out with new - and everlasting - life.
Bless You All and Happy Easter!!!
Photo Credit: Taken by author at
DeSantis Family Chapel, Palm Beach Atlantic University
West Palm Beach, FL
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