Living Every Day Like it's Easter

What is your favorite day of the week? Is it Friday? The end of the work week (for many), time to get ready for the weekend! Or maybe Saturday? You can sleep in perhaps. Spend the day with your family and maybe get some things down around the house. What about Sunday? You get to go to church in the morning and perhaps have a day of rest before the new week starts. Or, if you're a little different, Thursday is your favorite day. The whole weekend is still in front of you. There's a spring in your step on Friday, then Saturday and Sunday have all the benefits and goodness about them that I mentioned above. The best time of the week for me is actually Thursday night. I love looking forward to things so Thursday night puts me right at the precipice of all these good things to come.

Given this is Easter weekend, though, I've been thinking a little differently about this. During Holy Week, Thursday night was rough, to say the least. That was when Jesus was betrayed with a kiss and arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane (Luke 22:47-53). Of course Friday was even worse. The masses got their way and Jesus ended up on a cross - crucified for his "wrongdoing". Then Saturday - all the hope that the disciples thought they had; all the promise of a new king (at least in the way they thought it would happen) was now gone. It was all over. And then came Sunday... and the news of Jesus' resurrection! Hope had returned, joy set back in and the promise of a new and different future again filled the hearts and souls of His disciples!

This makes me want to ask my initial question a little differently... What day of the week to do you spend most of your life in? From a spiritual perspective, do you spend most of your days in...

Thursday? Where you start to see your hopes and dreams dashed and things start to look bleak - depression setting in.

Friday? Watching your dream destroyed. Your hope is lost. Everything you worked for, gone.

Saturday? Depression, discouragement and despair. "Why did I think this time would be different? What a waste of time. I'll just fall back on what I've always known and done."

Or, Sunday? Rejoicing! Celebrating our Risen Savior. Grateful that hope not only returned, but will never - ever - leave us again. That there is a future - an eternal one - and the Savior of the universe went through all that He did just for you!

If we're honest, while we might like to say, "Every day is Sunday! Every day is Easter!", but we can't. We all probably spend far too much time in the other three days. There are certain realities of this life to be sure. There are always situations and circumstances that will cause us concern. But to be able to go through our Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays with an Easter Sunday mindset would make a huge difference in how we handle those challenging and trying situations.

So, my prayer for you today is this: 
May every day be Easter Sunday for you. And while you're going through the other three days that you clearly hear the Holy Spirit reminding you that whatever it is you're going through - there is hope. There is a future. A time for rejoicing is coming. Even in the darkest hours you can know that on Sunday, Jesus came back to life. Death was defeated. Once and for all. And that "all", includes you.


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