Remembering The Reason for the Season

Here we are, eight days away from Christmas. The last full weekend before the holiday. There will no doubt be much shopping done in the next couple of days. Lots of other holiday activities, as well. Even in our household, my wife and I will be off in different directions this morning, participating in some of those activities. My prayer this morning though, is that with all of the hustle and bustle, we remember why we're celebrating.

I'm probably thinking along these lines because I've found that I've lost sight of it myself, at times, over the last couple of weeks. One quick example... Our family has a cookie decorating party every year. Over the years it has grown to become our big Christmas get-together before the holiday itself. Family and friends gather, we share a meal and then get to the serious (yes, to some it is!) business of decorating Christmas cookies. The party was last Saturday. On Sunday afternoon I went into the Grocery store and I had this strange, sub-conscious feeling, "Why are there still Christmas decorations everywhere? And why are they not on sale?"

With all of the hype and preparation for our little celebration, part of me felt that when our little party was over, so was the holiday! Now, admitting this publicly does not make me proud, but I think it goes to show how easily we can lose sight of the real reason for our joy this time of year.
So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David. He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child. While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them. (Luke 2:4-7 NIV)
There you go. Jesus' birth. THIS is the reason we celebrate this time of year. The birth of our Savior. The birth of the one who would, 33 years later, hang on a cross, taking on my sin and yours, giving up His life so that we may have eternal life.

Our ultimate celebration is not that of a cookie party, or any other type of party for that matter. It isn't about shopping or finding that amazing deal. Not a few days off of school or work. No, none of these things,but to remember, acknowledge and to celebrate the birth of the One who gives us hope for EVERY day, not just the last few weeks of the year.

So remember today, as you're dealing with busy schedules, traffic and crowded stores and wondering how you're going to get it all done... Remember the purpose for all of it; the reason for all of the seemingly craziness of the season. It's really the reason for everything.... Jesus.


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