We have just returned from the CFO family camp that we attend every summer. Over the last ten years it has become one of the highlights of our year. It was while there last year that God placed on my heart the whole concept of living unfiltered for Him and inspired me to create this blog. I thought it was fitting then, to include something in this space that I wrote while I was there this year.
Sometimes we are overwhelmed by looking too far down the path. Past our current season and into the next - or even a season that is two or three away. That just distracts us. We need to focus - focus on where we are right now. We will never be in this current season again. Embrace it! Learn from it! Squeeze out of it all that God wants us to have. Before we know it we'll be in the next season. As Jesus taught, "Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself." (Matthew 6:34) Take care of now.
Other times, we can't wait until the next season. We may not like our current season. At those times we need to do our best to survive - at times it seems like that's all we can do - and even that's a stretch. But remember, this season will pass. Our job is to learn from it. Determine what God wants to reveal to us in the current situation - and embrace it.
Our lives and our journeys are our unique stories - we are all contributing to history (HIS-story) through our stories. Think of the story you want to write. How do you want your story to read? We are writing it as we live. As we move through season to season, destination to destination. We are leaving our mark on this world. What mark do you want to leave? What story do you want to tell?
This song was playing while I was originally writing this piece. I didn't realize until later how appropriate it was for the message of what I was writing. God is in everything!
Thank you Nick and Rachel for creating such a great environment for all of us in Creative Writing that day.
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