
Showing posts from July, 2014


We have just returned from the CFO family camp that we attend every summer. Over the last ten years it has become one of the highlights of our year. It was while there last year that God placed on my heart the whole concept of living unfiltered for Him and inspired me to create this blog. I thought it was fitting then, to include something in this space that I wrote while I was there this year. Destinations "Destination". It's such a funny word. It sounds so final. It almost woos us towards itself - with the promise of arriving - arriving at our "destination". The truth is, there are really many destinations in our lives. The root of the word, too - destiny - tends to make us think that there is only one - that at some point you "get there". But no, while we do have one final destiny - one final destination - that of spending eternity worshiping with Jesus - life is a journey. A journey with multiple seasons, multiple phases of our lives. Our ci...