Obedience as Worship

When you think about worship, what comes to mind? For many, it is most often relegated to that time at the beginning of your church service where you listen to some songs and maybe even sing along. Others, may take it a bit further and consider their giving (of time, talents and treasure) to be an act or worship as well. I think it's a lot more than that, though. I believe that worship is a 24/7/365 kind of thing!

In his book The Air I Breathe, Louie Giglio provides a wonderful definition of worship, that is also somewhat challenging. He writes that, 

"Worship is... 
our response, 
both personal and corporate, 
to God - 
for who He is! 
and what He has done! 
expressed in and by the things we say 
and the way we live."

That last part sounds a lot like what we've been talking about as "living unfiltered for God", doesn't it? Since we've established that our obedience to God reflects and exhibits our love for God, then we can look at our obedience as being an act of worship. Every time we act on something that we know God wants us to do or say, we are not only obeying, and loving Him, but we are also worshiping Him at the same time.

Moses made this connection for us when speaking to the Israelites. He said we had two options, love God and keep His commands, which leads to blessing, or turn your heart away, be disobedient and "bow down to other gods and worship them", which will lead to destruction. (Deuteronomy 30:15-18

So... what will you do differently today, knowing that the words you speak and the actions you take are all acts of worship? And if someone were to watch and listen to you, who, or maybe even what, would they say you are worshiping?


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