More God, Less World

How closely do you pay attention to those little voices in your head? You know,  the one's that say "do this" or "don't do that"? Well, the other day, while crafting a short Facebook post in my head during my commute into work, I heard these voices arguing. (OK, I know what you're thinking, and to some degree I believe commuting in Atlanta can drive one a little crazy!)

It was a simple idea I had about understanding stress - that there are some things (and people) that cause it and some that reduce it. That we need to spend more time with the things that reduce it and less with those that produce it. My brain went to a couple of examples of how to do that. Then, this one popped in my head, "more God, less world." Almost immediately, I heard one of those voices say, "Oh, you can't add that, some of your "friends" may not agree with it and they might be offended." I started to think about who might "Like" the post and who would not. At first I almost fell for it. After all, I didn't want to put anyone off or make them uncomfortable. And then it struck me. This was exactly what God meant about us putting a filter on Him! I was concerning myself more with the amount of "praise from men" I would get (based on the number of "Likes" my post would receive), than with God's praise and His will! Ouch!

So, when I eventually penned the post, I included the phrase He gave me. I'm glad I did. Am I a little embarrassed that I struggled with it briefly? Absolutely! But God uses things in interesting ways. As soon as I committed to writing my status update as He desired, the very next thing that came into my mind was, "Well, you have your next blog post!" Double ouch! Sharing this is not my first choice, but I'm learning... If He asks you to do something, there's probably a good reason. And it's always a good idea to trust Him.   


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