Devotions from The Dock - Day 1: Loaves and Fishes Boy

As I mentioned in my previous post, while we were at Florida Family CFO recently, I was blessed with the opportunity to spend each morning with the youth of the camp. Every morning at 7:30 we would meet on the dock that reached into Lake Yale to discuss The Word and share Communion together. (We would also watch – and keep an eye on – the occasional alligator that would float by, as well as shoo away the water birds that were overly interested in our communion bread!) I’ve done this for three years now, and each year it stands out as the highlight of my week. I am continually impressed with these young people and it gives me great confidence in the future. Every year we have a theme of sorts on which our devotions are based. This year, it was less than 12 hours before our first gathering that the Holy Spirit showed me what we were to study this year. It was Sunday evening and John Kimer, the main Youth Speaker this year, was sharing briefly about what God had put on his heart to...