Dig a Well!
I don't know about you, but sometimes I need to hear something more than once for it to actually sink in. And when it comes to sermons, if I hear two messages that are very similar, yet from different sources and places, it really manages to get my attention! It's like my spirit stands up and takes notice and says, "Are you listening? Do you hear this? God's trying to tell you something here!" This happened to me recently with a talk I heard while we were at camp and then another a little over a week week later at my home church. While the two pastors that delivered the messages know each other, I'm sure they didn't coordinate their talks just for me! The theme of both talks was the importance of "digging holes and ditches", in faith, for the future and for those who come behind us. The first message was delivered by Jason Baumgardner at Florida Family CFO . Jason B. was speaking from Psalm 84:5-7 about going through dry places. The ma...