What Are You Afraid Of? Part 2
Our last post spoke of how fear can be used by the enemy to discourage us and keep us from walking in God's will and all that He may have in store for us. This post will focus on a couple of specific fears that most of us will struggle with at some point or another and what the Bible has to say about them. This blog was inspired in large part by the principle that we need to listen to what God has to say and act on it in obedience, without concern about what man may say about it. With that in mind, the first fear we will look at is the fear of man and his opinions. Psalm 27 provides great encouragement for those who are tempted to fear what we my be facing from man. David asks, "of whom shall I be afraid?" With God as our light and salvation, we have nothing to fear! Another, even more direct verse, again in the words of David are found in Psalm 56:11 where he says, "in God I trust and am not afraid. What can man do to me?" One approach to dealing with t...